


I see you have happened upon Perhaps you have visited before and now it looks different. Well thanks for coming back, Mom!

If you are looking for information about Relational CAD, I suggest you stop reading now and look elsewhere.

This site was over-engineered and coded by relcad himself in an effort to get cozy with the latest acronyms on many a code-slinger's tongue that will surely be obsolete in a year or five. For the initiated, the URIs of this site will give that away.

If you have questions about that kind of thing or anything else please feel free to contact me about the specifics. I'm more than happy to blather on about technology, music, the weather or whatever when engaged.

Writing about such topics when not solicited, well, not so much. Which is why most of the prose here sounds like it was written by a first grader who can only speak in the third person.

The mission of this site is to showcase the music of relcad. I will post finished releases (found on the "Releases" navigation element at the top of your screen), random downloads and video content (to be found under the "Misc" navigation element at the top of your screen) and announcements such as new material or upcoming performances (under the "News" navigational element).

If you would like to be notified when new things are posted, please subscribe to the @relcad twitter feed by clicking on the ubiquitous blue birdy on the bottom of this screen. I promise I will only post when there is legitimate relcad news and not subject you to pedantic posts about what I'm eating every two minutes.

Enjoy the world of relcad!

-Alex (relcad)
